Nowadays, people often overuse 3C products and are coupled with lifestyle and external environmental influences, which are bad for our eyes. Additionally, removing makeup also rubs the skin around it. Therefore, the skin around the eyes will begin to appear puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, and other problems. The eyes are one of the most fragile skin areas of our body, so if you want to look young and vibrant, caring for your skin around the eyes is the key! Many experts also said that at the age of 25, you need to start taking care of the eye area seriously. Here are 4 tips for maintaining your skin around the eyes!


1. Avoid Excessive Rubbing

Rubbing your eyes, unconscious pulling of the eyelids, and other small movements will rub the skin around the eyes, making it drier. Hence, these actions should be avoided as much as possible.


2. Keep the Skin Moist

The skin around the eyes is very thin and therefore cannot withstand external irritation and UV radiation. In addition to the burden of cosmetics, it is necessary to pay more attention to the moisturizing steps. Apart from the formulas in moisturizing products, you can also use Siktalice, a patented ingredient similar to human skin, to strengthen the skin around the eyes with moisture, elasticity, and firmness.


3. Pick A Suitable Eye Cream

The concentrated essence in the eye cream strengthens and moisturizes the skin around the eyes. However, when choosing highly moisturizing eye creams, it is necessary to pay attention to your skin absorption, so as to avoid Milia because of the heavy burden.


4. Use Eye Creams Correctly

Gently apply the eye cream around the eyes in a massaging motion. Since the main purpose of eye cream is to moisturize, it is okay to apply thicker, giving it a glossy appearance. It is even better if the eye cream is of creamy texture, as it is highly moisturizing but not too greasy.